Drafting, Execution and Reply

The first level of any legal matter is of the Notice. Notice is a mandatory step where the opposite party is given information, instructions, made aware of any discrepancies or warned about an action the opposite party ought to do. Notice is also an attempt to reach an amicable conclusion to the dispute between the parties.

Our firm deals with the three main aspects of a Notice:

  • Drafting
  • Our legal team has experience in drafting of notices according to law and with the utmost due care. The team understands the dispute in its entirety and drafts the notice taking in mind the legal provisions applicable and the interests of the client.

  • Execution
  • Once a notice is served, our legal team works towards the execution of the same and ensures that all necessary legal steps are taken towards a proper execution.

  • Reply to Notice
  • On receiving of a notice, the legal team at our firm analyses every aspect of the notice, scrutinises it and makes sure that a proper and a legal reply is drafted.

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